Your supply chain priorities don't matter to the success of supply chain resilience

Randall Mauldin
04-28-20 09:28 PM Comment(s)

Your supply chain priorities don't matter to the success of supply chain resilience. 

Surviving a crisis depends on identifying what's most important for stakeholders within your organization, not you.

Your job is to lead people to make the right decisions based on the limitations within the supply chain.

Learn about the type of leadership you need for supply chain resilience in our next webinar on Thursday at 12:00 pm EST.
Click here to register:

Correctly identifying priorities requires strong leadership.
It's not the kind of leadership they talk about in most leadership books.
Supply leaders need to use a different kind of leadership based on trust, credibility, and influence.

During this presentation, Dr. Mauldin and CAPT Knapp are going to discuss Supply Chain Resilience Leadership where you build trust and credibility with stakeholders to understand the priorities of the organization. Then use your powers of influence to keep the supply chain flowing with the right resources.

Here's what you'll learn:

  • Learn the steps needed to get buy-in for supply chain resilience planning, so you get support from senior executives.
  • Understand the reasons you must prioritize supply chain requirements during a crisis, so you remain focused during chaos
  • See the structure of an emergency operations center to manage daily activity and respond to any situation during a crisis.
  • Find out the best way to communicate during crisis situations, so people make decision and execute actions necessary for success.

Without a new approach to leadership, your planning for supply chain resilience will be a waste of time, so click here to register:

To your success,

P.S. When you register for the webinar, you get access to Capt Howard Knapps new ebook: Military Resilience and Your Supply Chain as soon as you register for the webinar, you'll be taken to the book.

P.S.S. Join the early notification list for our Supply Chain Resilience Program where we go deep into supply chain resilience planning, execution, and leadership:

Randall Mauldin