Blog tagged as cpsm study guide

CPSM 1D2: Environmental Responsibilities for Business should be established and monitored

07-20-14 05:13 PM By Randall Mauldin - Comment(s)
In this section (1-D-2) of the CPSM test the supply chain leader is being asked to establish eco-friendly programs and check them in keeping with 9 subtopics that we will briefly discuss in this article. The crucial factor is to understand that an environmentally liable supply chain is not merely a...

CPSM Exam Study Guide

04-24-14 06:48 PM By Randall Mauldin - Comment(s)
CPSM Exam 1CPSM Exam 2CPSM Exam 3  

CPSM Certification Journey - Quote of Success

01-04-12 07:35 PM By Randall Mauldin - Comment(s)
CPSM Certification journey is not easy. A person must have extensive experience, education, and the willingness to undergo an examination process that thoroughly tests a persons ability to comprehend and apply the supply management concepts. Below is a quote from President Theodore Roosevelt, 26th P...
