Blog categorized as Human Resources

Talent Management: Importance

08-28-16 12:57 PM By Randall Mauldin - Comment(s)
shakehandsTalent management actually refers to nurturing, developing and retaining employees who have the knowledge, ability and skill to achieve business goals. This is not possible by every employee because this class of achievers is limited and they can help a business to grow and hence, retaining them is ...

What Is P11D Software?

08-18-16 10:10 AM By Randall Mauldin - Comment(s)
consult  With so much emphasis placed on increased productivity and efficiency, business owners are always looking for better ways to run their companies. For small to medium business owners in particular, dealing with payroll taxes presents a unique challenge because of all the unknown deduction...

Why Is Understanding Employment Law So Important?

07-25-16 01:19 PM By Randall Mauldin - Comment(s)
youngprofessionals  Employment law is in place to guarantee a fair and safe working environment for employers and employees. Statutes and strict rules outline, for the employer, how their employees should be treated within the workplace. Many employers and employees often dont realise how many rules and reg...

Noticing Brilliant Tips Of Medical Billing and Coding

07-11-16 01:48 PM By Randall Mauldin - Comment(s)
sla-logo-2015030smallpng2 In most cases, to surrender and make follow up on claims to insurance businesses for the sole objective of obtaining the payment for the services that a hospital provided is termed as medical billing and coding. This procedure is most often than not utilized for many insurance businesses which are ...

Performance Management: An Overview

06-15-16 02:09 PM By Randall Mauldin - Comment(s)
shakehandsManagers always keep thinking about motivating their team. The best way to do this to address emotional needs of employees! Asking one simple question by putting themselves in the shoes of the employees works nicely. The question is: How do I want to feel while working? This question alone creates t...

How to Write a Training Services Proposal

06-13-16 02:03 PM By Randall Mauldin - Comment(s)
If you're in the business of training or education, the odds are that you are perpetually seeking new clients. These days, the competition is fierce and more and more, you may be competing against low-cost online services. How do you make your services stand out from the crowd? You need to a  ...

Training Employees In The Right Areas

06-07-16 01:44 PM By Randall Mauldin - Comment(s)
youngpros6The human resources department is usually in charge of creating job descriptions and hiring the best candidates. During the screening process it may be impossible to verify the current skill level of specific areas. Many employees simply do not know what to do. There may be a specific area where the...
