Blog categorized as Career Development

10 Simple Ways to Enhance Procurement Profession

03-25-18 03:36 PM By Randall Mauldin - Comment(s)

The procurement profession is probably one of the toughest and the most stringent profession in the supply chain. You constantly face deadlines, negotiations, and contract signing. The most common question here is, how can one professional enhance his role as a procurement professional?

1. Enhance th...

3 Reasons to know your RFP Score

03-08-18 05:41 PM By Randall Mauldin - Comment(s)

3 Reasons to know your RFP Score

Transform your approach to buying from ad hoc procurement to purchasing with process and structure.
  1. RFPs must be mastered to do procurement right!
  2. RFPs make purchasing strategic
  3. RFPs can be easy when you know your score
When you know ho...

It's official! Institute for Supply Management will change their exams September 2018

01-22-18 03:59 PM By Randall Mauldin - Comment(s)

It's official! Institute for Supply Management will change their exams September 2018

Institute for Supply Management will change their exams September 2018.  We've been telling you since July that ISM will be updating and changing the Certified Professional In Supply Management (CPSM) Exa...

War Veterans have a Future in Future in Supply Management

08-12-17 10:00 AM By Randall Mauldin - Comment(s)
cpsm-cpsd-boot-camp-header-people-2Who says that CPSM is only for the young entrepreneurs or the young idealistic professionals? A great opportunity awaits for war veterans in this field. Unemployment of veterans though edge down is still a bit distressing, there are still a lot of them who remains jobless. The idea that they are not...

What Inventory Management can bring to your Business

06-20-17 04:24 PM By Randall Mauldin - Comment(s)
In any business or association, all capacities are interlinked and associated with each other and are frequently covering. Some key perspectives like production network management, coordinations and inventory frame the foundation of the business conveyance work. In this manner these capacities are c...

Advantages of Attaining Supply Chain MBA by Chris Cornell

03-11-17 01:55 PM By Randall Mauldin - Comment(s)
sla-logo-2015030smallpng A Supply Chain MBA refers to the degree in which allows individuals to specialize in the theory of supply chain management. Taking a master's degree is an indication of an individual's passion and dedication to improving their knowledge or skill in a certain area or specialization, as well as ...

Webinar about developing a strategic plan for your company

10-26-16 02:01 PM By Randall Mauldin - Comment(s)
Florida, USA – A Webinar about six Steps to develop a strategic sourcing plan is being set by Dr. Randall Mauldin, CPSM, PMP this coming November 15, 2016 at exactly 4 PM EST. The webinar will help supply chain professionals, ordinary people and students to understand the importance of forecasting ...

Management Leadership Tip: Importance of Workplace Factors

09-13-16 12:05 PM By Randall Mauldin - Comment(s)
consultI once again read with great interest the annual report by Workplace Dynamics analyzing what is important to workers in Orange County, California. Since I have no reason not to assume the information they assembled is likely true across the country, and perhaps across the world, I offer their conclu...

Leadership Training And Business

09-09-16 11:49 AM By Randall Mauldin - Comment(s)
scmtWhenever a company puts its management into leadership training, the business benefits! It is true that the company will like to make investments in sales training and that is completely rational but underestimating the importance and need of investing in leadership training is not a rational thinki...

Positive Attitude For Business: The Magic of Positive Language and How To Cultivate It

08-26-16 12:29 PM By Randall Mauldin - Comment(s)
shakehandsHow It Works When you have a positive attitude and use positive language like, I can save money, I can lose weight, I can reach my profit goals, then it just makes you feel better. You certainly feel better than you would if you spent the whole day focusing on what you cant do. And its been proven t...

Performance Management: How To Improve Learning

08-24-16 12:16 PM By Randall Mauldin - Comment(s)
youngpros6With performance management and learning converging together, it becomes very easy to find out a talent is performing and how the talent can be improved for better performance. The integration of these two, i.e. performance and learning allows the organizations to actually understand the trends of t...

Learn How To Start Your Career in McKinsey

08-22-16 11:59 AM By Randall Mauldin - Comment(s)
maze-arrowLanding a dream management consulting job at any of the big-name firms, such as AT Kearney, Bain, BCG or McKinsey, is an exercise akin to a job itself (firms count on applicants perseverance as a part of judging the candidates dedication and drive). Nowhere is this tenacity more important than in ap...

Ageism in the Workplace

08-20-16 10:28 AM By Randall Mauldin - Comment(s)
cpsmrequired A recent Linked In poll talked about discrimination in the job market and who suffered the most under it. The question that was asked was What type of discrimination, if any, is prevalent in today's job market? The answers were older, younger, unemployed, and race/ethnicity. An overwhelming nu...

Onboarding: When Does It End

08-16-16 09:59 AM By Randall Mauldin - Comment(s)
youngpros2 Well, onboarding is a very important process and it is necessary for the company to ensure that the new hires complete the probationary period and become full time employees. This period of transition may be 30 days, 60 days, 90 days or even more. But the question is, when exactly the onboardi...

Business Success Training: The Passion, Fulfillment, Success Equation

08-04-16 03:31 PM By Randall Mauldin - Comment(s)
shakehandsIf you have ever had any a href=http://www.ProjectMarketer.combusiness success training/a, you may have heard a ton of talk about passion when choosing your career or business. You may also wonder why passion is important. Sure, its nice to enjoy what you do, but how does passion for what youre doin...

A Perspective Of Rewards And Recognition Survey

07-27-16 01:33 PM By Randall Mauldin - Comment(s)
teamwork It is a fact that among the biggest concerns of employers today is the issue of employee turnover, not only in terms of its high and hidden costs, its toll on the reputation of an organization, but as well as its impact on operation. Is staff turnover controllable? A valid question asked, henc...

Improve your Recruiting Techniques to Decrease Staff Turnover

07-23-16 03:01 PM By Randall Mauldin - Comment(s)
teamworkThe secret ingredients of a successful business include happy, enthusiastic employees who actually enjoy their work. Theres nothing worse than having to continually recruit employees only for them to leave within a week, leaving you to start the process again. Not only is this a potentially costly p...

Career Advice - Things To Consider While Career Hopping

07-17-16 02:46 PM By Randall Mauldin - Comment(s)
youngpros2 Career hopping these days is a part of natural growth for everyone. Earlier people were apprehensive about it, but today with the advancement in the job market, its looked upon as a strategic career move. These days people think about changing careers for career development and to achieve job satis...

Leadership Training: Benefits

07-15-16 01:48 PM By Randall Mauldin - Comment(s)
  youngpros6If you are planning for a leadership program for your employees or for your management, there is one advice that you need to consider and take very seriously: GO AHEAD WITH ALL YOU HAVE! This is because of the fact that you will have nothing that you can lose but there will be everything tha...
